
Two’s and Three’s

This is a time of amazing growth—physically, social-emotionally and intellectually. Every time a child asks “why”, explores a new object, interacts with others or tries something for the first time, they are learning about the environment, people, and concepts that they’ll continue to build on for the rest of their life.


Welcome to the terrific twos, where your toddler has exploded into their own little individual identity! With an age specific play yard, and energetic teachers, our twos use their seemingly unending energy to move throughout the day. We provide a schedule that includes art, group learning and center play (blocks, manipulatives, library & more). 

Outside of the classroom, large motor activities and exploring are key. In this class there is a heavy emphasis on language development and social interaction. Our teachers focus on developing the social abilities that our twos will need as they grow.


Blossoming out of the twos, and starting to show their personalities and talents, our threes enjoy using their new vocabulary and social skills to dive headfirst into learning. They eagerly participate in group art projects, small group learning, organized outdoor play, and independently work at centers available in the room. Willing and able to do everything themselves, our threes are encouraged to develop self-help skills and independent thinking.

Teachers guide the day with specially designed lesson plans that promote learning through play and hands on discovery. Building upon the foundation laid in our younger rooms, teachers expand the children’s learning as counting and shape and color recognition become more advanced. Our well rounded program has everything your three year old will need to be successful in pre-school.